

Onat Tekstil came to life in 1989, producing jersey and woven garments for consumers. Since then, Onat’s mission is to provide people with top quality garments that are both affordable and sustainable.

Onat uses sustainable fabrics such as recycled cotton, recycled polyester and ecovera viscose within their garments, sending all offcuts from these materials to recycling yarn companies to be reprocessed. Also, all packing materials, such as boxes and polybags are produced from recycled material.

Onat has witnessed the mass installation of solar panels to generate electric energy, as well as a rainwater harvesting system to reduce the negative impact on the environment. The factory is currently in the middle of replacing all company cars to hybrid or electric models to help reduce carbon emission too.

You could say Onat are always on the lookout to create further sustainable options. Currently, their latest project sees them collect waste cooking oil from employees with the aim to be used at bioenergy plants, reducing the waste which has the potential to contaminate nature. The staff also benefit from this, earning garment gift cards.